Scientific Name: Rhynchobatus djiddensis
Nomenclater: (Forsskål, 1775)
Family: F046 Rhynchobatidae
Holotype-Locality: Jidda, Saudi Arabia and Luhaiya, Yemen, Red Sea
Habitats: Benthos、Estuary、Coastal
Economic Fish: Yes
Habitats Depth: 1 - 50 M
Aquarium Fish: No
Poisonous Fish: No
Edible Fish: Yes
Synonyms: Raja djiddensis, Rhinchobatus djiddensis, Rhinobatus laevis, Rhinobatus maculata, Rhychobatus djiddensis, Rhynchobatus djeddensis, Rhynchobatus djidensis, Rhyncobatis djeddensis, Rhyncobatus djeddensis, Rhyncobatus djiddensis, Rynchobatus djiddensis australiae
Reference: Chen & Chung, 1971; Shen et al,. 1993 朱元鼎 編 1985 楊鴻嘉, 楊誠國 1990 楊鴻嘉, 陳良德 1993 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 楊鴻嘉, 陳良德 1995 楊鴻嘉, 張寶仁 1996
Redlist Status: IUCN Redlist: Vulnerable(VU)
Common Name in Engulish: Shovelnose; Shovel nose; Shark-ray; Sand shark; Sandy; White-spotted guitarfish; Whitespot giant guitarfish; White spotted shovelnose ray; White-spotted shovelnose; White-spotted wedgefish; Whitespotted wedgefish; White-spotted shovelnose ray; Spotted gui
Chinese Name transliteration: ji da jian li tou yao, ji da long wun fen
Distribution in Taiwan: West、South West、PonFu
Distribution in World :
Max Lenth: 310 cm
Specimen List: ASIZP0063513. ASIZP0069972. ASIZP0070008. ASIZP0070800. FRIP22306. NMMBP06283. NMMBP06294. NMMSTP00937. NMNSF01255. NTMP0708. NTUM00019Paratype.
Characteristic: Disc subtriangular, larger than wide. Snout elongated, narrow, pointed, half the length of disc. Rostral cartilages long, trough-like. Nostrils wide, oblique, narrower and curved back toward the mouth on inner ends; valves feebly developed, anterior with a short rounded lobe, posterior with the outer section and the elongate lobe continuous and the inner section narrow and short. Mouth with moderately developed labial folds and labial cartilages, arched in the middle, with large teeth on the arches. Teeth smooth, rhomboid. Spiracles close behind eyes with two folds. Gill openings nearly equidistant, short. Row of small tubercles along each supraorbital edge, interrupted by division of spiracle. Two dorsals, moderate, angles produced, hind margins deeply concave. First dorsal origin over ventral origin. Interspace between dorsals nearly 3 length of second dorsal base. Pectorals small, not extended opposite nostrils. Ventrals small, narrow, hind angle produced. Tail depressed, with lateral fold. Caudal axis slightly raised, subcaudal lobe prominent. Median row of small vertebral tubercles down back, two short series on each shoulder. Specimen in formalin gray above, with white spots, surrounded by blackish ring. One black spot, as large as spiracle, above each end of shoulder girdle. Under surface grayish brown, anterior part of snout dark brown.
Distribution: Red Sea, Arabia, Zanjibar, Madagascar, Natal, Seychelles, India, Ceylon, Andamans, Pinang, Malary Peninsula, Singapore, East Indies, Philippines, Cochinchina, Japan, Melanesia, Queensland, New South Wales, Taiwan.
Text and images are provided by The Fish Datebase of Taiwan (Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)