Minerals (National Museum of Natural Science)Type Collection Collection Identifier c0328 Description Mineral specimens form an important part of the geology collection of the Museum of Natural Science; specimens include more than a thousand items from around 200 types of minerals. A large variety of regional minerals are represented, as are many precious specimens from around the world, including many specimens with large crystals and beautiful colors. The Museum has chosen representative specimens for digital archival, under the systematic groupings natural elements, sulfides, halides, carbonates, borates, oxides, sulfates, nitrates, phosphates, molybdates, tungstates, vanadates, aresnates, chromates and silicates. Each mineral is provided with text and video according to the Archive Specimens" and "Archive Knowledge" units, and given metadata and operational procedures, to give public access through the internet." Language English;Chinese Access Rights Users can freely browse, access and download clearly marked material from this website according to regulations defined by intellectual property laws, for personal and non-commercial use only; citations must be clearly marked. The copying, dissemination, broadcasting and publishing of content from this website by commercial organizations is prohibited, except with written permission from this project and its individual writers. This website references the sources of all raw materials in accordance with intellectual property regulations; when citing such material, please place an inquiry to this project, or contact the property holders directly. Subject Geology Owner Museum of Natural Science Is Located At Museum of Natural Science Is Accessed Via Super-Collection Geology; minerals Associated collection Minerals (National Taiwan University)