Echinodermata(National Museum of Natural Science)Type Collection Collection Identifier c0308 Description Echinoderms are a group of large invertebrate animals that live completely in the sea. They are distributed from the intertidal zone to several thousand meters deep in the ocean. However, people come into contact with echinoderms most commonly on dining tables, in specialty stores or in aquariums, instead of in the sea. Sea cucumbers, which are often seen in Chinese cuisine, and sea urchins, which are considered as high-class seafood by the Japanese, as well as starfish, which are often used to create an aquatic atmosphere, are all members of the echinoderm group, and have all brought certain oceanic elements into our everyday lives. Language Chinese Access Rights Users can freely browse, access and download clearly marked material from this website according to regulations defined by intellectual property laws, for personal and non-commercial use only; citations must be clearly marked. The copying, dissemination, broadcasting and publishing of content from this website by commercial organizations is prohibited, except with written permission from this project and its individual writers. This website references the sources of all raw materials in accordance with intellectual property regulations; when citing such material, please place an inquiry to this project, or contact the property holders directly. Subject Zoology Owner Museum of Natural Science Is Located At Museum of Natural Science Is Accessed Via Super-Collection Mammls; animals; marine organisms; organisms Associated collection Eriophyoidea (National Museum of Natural Science)