Mammals (National Taiwan University)Type Collection Collection Identifier c0021 Description The Mammal Database contains 8 orders, 19 families, and 67 mammal species in Taiwan. In this database, you can search and observe basic information on all of these mammal species, including their classification, morphology, natural environment, and reproduction. Additionally, multimedia data on the mammals’ specimens, pictures, films, sounds, primary literature, and geological distribution in Taiwan is also provided. Size The database features 8 orders, 19 families, and 67 mammal species in Taiwan. Multimedia data include:Specimen information: 3 categories, 62 specimens, Ecological films: 7 categories, 7 films, Sound data: 9 categories, 9 sound files, Geological distrib Language Chinese;English Item Type Motion image; physical object; sound; stillimage; text Rights Access Rights Users can freely browse, access and download clearly marked material from this website according to regulations defined by intellectual property laws, for personal and non-commercial use only; citations must be clearly marked. The copying, dissemination, broadcasting and publishing of content from this website by commercial organizations is prohibited, except with written permission from this project and its individual writers. This website references the sources of all raw materials in accordance with intellectual property regulations; when citing such material, please place an inquiry to this project, or contact the property holders directly. Subject Zoology Owner Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University Is Located At Exhibition Hall of Animal Specimens, National Taiwan University Is Accessed Via link: Super-Collection Zoology Associated collection Mammals (National Museum of Natural Science);Whales (National Museum of Natural Science)