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Total: 10 results found.

1. Tortoise plastron with divination inscription (Part3 147, R044327)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Wu Ding,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 13th excavation in 1936, it is an oracle bone belonging to the first period of the age of Wu Ding. It has been somewhat damaged. The divination inscription ...
2. Inscribed bovine talus (anklebone) (Part2 8688, R044854)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Shang dynasty)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 13th excavation of the Yin ruins in 1936, it is a period 5 record inscription, with a calligraphic style which is relatively close to bronze script. ...
3. Tortoise plastron with oracular inscription (Part2 6664, Part3 207, R044358)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Wu Ding,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 13th excavation in 1936, it is an oracle bone belonging to the first period of the time of Wu Ding. Only the upper half part of this tortoise plastron ...
4. Tortoise shell with oracular inscription (Part2 5241, R044772)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
... shape. The contents of the divination inscription are questions having to do with rainfall and receiving the harvest. ...  ...
5. Tortoise shell with vermillion text (Part3 65, 66, R041291)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Wu Ding,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 13th excavation, it is an oracle bone belonging to the first period of the age of Wu Ding. Most tortoise shells used for divination were cut from the ...
6. Colored-in divination tortoise plastron (Part3 1, R043986)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Wu Ding,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 13th excavation, it is one of the oracle bones excavated from the well-known pit YH127. It belongs to a late period of the age of Wu Ding. ...
7. Tortoise plastron with vermillion text (Part2 6422, 6423, R044802)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Wu Ding,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 13th Xiaotun excavation in 1936, it belongs to period 1, the age of Wu Ding. Upon the shell can clearly be seen the number preceding each divination ...
8. Tortoise plastron with oracular inscription (Part2 867, R044852)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Wu Ding,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 13th Xiaotun excavation in 1936, it belongs to late Shang period 1, a divination inscription of Wu Ding. The layout of this tortoise plastron is completely ...
9. Large tortoise plastron with oracular inscription (Part1 3914, R041003)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Shang dynasty,turtle shell)
One of the seven tortoise plastrons obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys 9th excavation of the Yin ruins in 1934, this oracular inscription belongs to the third or fourth period. Altogether ...
10. Animal bone with oracular inscription (Part1 2902, 2903, R035140)
(Matching tags: divination,oracle bone,Shang dynasty)
Obtained in the Institute of History and Philologys third excavation of the Yin ruins, it belongs to the Dui group of the first period of divination inscriptions. This piece of bone is frail, and making ...