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City Rhythm-Folk Song by Li Tai-Hsiang (都市旋律-李泰祥)

I.    Lyrics (translated from Chinese)

Short skirts are like flying birds and full length skirts are like floating clouds
Short skirts are like flying birds and full length skirts are like floating clouds
If girls do not wriggle their waists, river will dry
If girls do not thrust out chests, mountain will collapse
If girls do not draw eyebrows, the moon will turn dimness
If girls do not wear lipsticks, the flower will fall
A drop of perfume creates a pool of spring scenery
A slight eye movement creates endless surges.

Lyrics written by Lo Men (羅門)

短裙飛來隻隻鳥 長裙飄來朵朵雲
短裙飛來隻隻鳥 長裙飄來朵朵雲
腰不扭動河會死 胸不挺高山會崩
眉不畫濃月會暗 唇不塗紅花會謝
一滴香水一池春 一個眼波滿海浪

Chi Yu (齊豫)

II.    About this Song

Theme of the Work:
The whole work describes people’s feeling while living in metropolis. Any materials that show a city’s prosperous scenes and city life’s tight pace are reflected through this music.

Summary / Story:
At the year when I was recording this work, I used many sounds that came from the surrounding environment. For example, I walked to a road and recorded pedestrian’s footsteps. I have also been to the overpass in Ximending to look for tapping sound of sheet iron to symbolize urban city’s prosperity and the packed crowds.

III.    Manuscript

Handwritten notes of “City Rhythm”
Handwritten ensemble manuscript (page 1) of “City Rhythm in E major” for violin
Handwritten ensemble manuscript of “City Rhythm in E major” for violin and cello


To view the story of Li Tai-Hsiang, please go to Li Tai-Hsiang, the Native Musician of Taiwan.

Text and images are provided by The Native Musician of Taiwan-Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan